Hello and welcome to my art!!
Mexican Furry Freelance Artist, 24 years old
SFW and NSFW Artwork

Age 25

Freelance artist

Joined on 12/3/18

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Yes, I admit it (letter for you)

Posted by Viejillox - 2 hours ago

I wrote this for myself a while ago and I want to share it with you.❤

Yes, I admit it

I broke down, I can't take it anymore

My own demons took control for a moment

So who am I?

Yes, I admit it

I'm tired

Tired of imagining and meeting the high expectations of others more than my own

Tired of not acting in my day to day

It overwhelms me and I need to act now!!

Where am I going?

Yes, I admit it

I got lost

I lost track of time, everything around me goes too fast

I got lost on my own route

But I know I have the compass and the map to relocate myself

I need to take a break and take a few steps back to ask my past self where we are going

--I've always had the answer--

Yes, I admit it

I'm scared

Negative thoughts invaded me

And is that bad?

no, it's NORMAL


This will help me to become stronger and have a good path

Have more perspective and better focus

--As long as I don't lose my faith in myself--

Yes, I admit it

I forgot

I forgot many things that my self did without problems

I forgot my balance because I focused on other less important things

I forgot to take care of myself and that affected my surroundings

and are you defeated?

NO, I don't admit it

I keep fighting


I will not give up or let go of that which makes me fight for my peace and harmony.

It doesn't matter how many times I fall, I get knocked down and even get lost

It's part of the process and I'm still standing with my heart and faith standing

Now that I'm back and up, I think I never left

Always believe in yourself to find a way to get up!!

I love you very much!! ❤

I'm so sorry for being gone for so long

I'm so sorry for not being posting or being very present this year

I really had a really bad time, there were a lot of problems and setbacks in my day to day life, they hurt me and I hurt myself, I lost a lot of things during this time both internal and external, I lost a friend and almost lost another in this life, the block, distractions and burn out consumed me

I felt like Peter Parker in Spider Man 2 by Tobey Maguire

I was really bad , i lost my motivation and the things I drew or created didn't come out well and with the great quality and love that they should have.

I apologize to all my commissioners for delaying their orders a lot, things didn't come out the way I wanted and with the love and effort that they deserve.

A big apology to you for not offering you content during this year.

A big apology to my dear close friends and my family.

Forgive me! 🙏❤

I know I owe you all a lot for supporting me!

I'm sorry if I was a disappointment to you this year

I was also disappointed in myself

I neglected myself a lot, I neglected my health and integrity, I didn't eat well and I didn't sleep well, I had cold nights and tears.

and at a certain point in my thoughts I didn't want to be here anymore

I didn't want to anymore, It's no joke

But thanks to the right people who were with me day and night.

I'm back to do things right and correctly.

For 3 months I have been working on myself and my mental health.

I'm back!! I'M FUCKING BACK!!

And with tears I tell you

Thank you for the wait, the support and the love that each one of you has been receiving.

I will always do my best to give the same love and support to all of you!!

I love you all very much!! 🦊❤

Remember, you are never alone

Everything has a solution, there is always a possibility.

Always respect and love each other

Work hard and at your own pace

If you read all this

I really appreciate it!!

I send you a big hug!! You are the best!! 👍❤




Good to hear from you again!